Star Trek: The Next Generation Series 4 by Playmates
Dr. Beverly Crusher in Duty Uniform

Dr. Crusher had a lot of really, really subtle variations across her handful of action figures; this Series 4 ‘Duty Uniform’ is differentiated by being the only one that’s mostly blue, and without a labcoat. It’s a very subtle distinction.

Generations Crusher has only a blue band; a second and very confusing ‘as seen in Generations’ figure was released that is mostly black. She’s accompanied by orange accessories, including a tricorder and a medical kit.

Click here for the full Star Trek Figure Archive.

C. David is a writer and artist living in the Hudson Valley, NY. He loves pinball, Wazmo Nariz, Rem Lezar, MODOK, pogs, Ultra Monsters, 80s horror, and is secretly very enthusiastic about everything else not listed here.